Holy moly, it’s been an amazing few days. Our lumber package landed on Friday and thanks to the help of some of our dear friends (Ivan, Mark, Sharon, Bruce, Jamie, Jole, Bucky, Steve, Sam, Jeremy, and Sabina), we’ve made MONUMENTAL progress on the house! At this point all framing is complete with the exception of the bump out over the trailer tongue. The roof is sheathed and we’ve begun working on wall sheathing.

Next we’ll be continuting the wall sheathing, install house wrap, drop in windows and doors, and install the roofing! As a side note, you’ll notice a couple of photos of our new jack stands. I put eight of these under the trailer to relieve the axles of the weight and level the platform for building. I also purchased a heavy duty farm jack to get the trailer back off the jack stands once we’re done building.

Sorry for the delay in new posts, things have been a whirlwind! I really can’t say enough how blessed we feel to be surrounded by such amazing people